Document 445

How to create an unnumbered bibliography

Version: 3.x, 4.x, 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

Users sometimes want to customize the typeset appearance of items in a manual bibliography and the citations that refer to them. For example, they may want to remove the numbers from the bibliography item list, alphabetize the items themselves, remove citation brackets, or create citations with certain content, such as the author's name and year of publication. Here's how:

  1. Create your document using one of the standard LaTeX shells.

  2. From the Typeset menu, choose Bibliography Choice, check Manual Entry, and choose OK.

  3. Remove the typesetting of the labels from the bibliography item list:

    1. From the Typeset menu, choose Preamble.

    2. Click the mouse in the entry area and add these lines to the end of the preamble:




    3. Choose OK.

  4. Create the bibliography item list, giving a label to each item:

    1. Place the insertion point where you want the bibliography item list to begin.

    2. Apply the Bibliography item tag.

    3. In the Key box, type a key for the item.

    4. In the Label box, type the citation information as you want it to appear in the text. The typesetting specifications define the appearance of the label, adding brackets automatically as necessary.

    5. Choose OK.

    6. Type the bibliography item as you want it to appear in the list and press Enter.

    7. Repeat steps c–f for each item in the list, and then press F2 to exit the list.

  5. Manually alphabetize the bibliography items.

  6. Create citations in the text:

    1. Place the insertion point where you want a citation to appear.

    2. From the Insert menu, choose Typeset Object and then choose Citation.

    3. In the Citation dialog, enter the key of the item you want to cite and choose OK.

  7. Typeset your document.

    LaTeX places the label for the bibliography item in the citation but omits it from the bibliography list.

See also

Last revised 06/29/06

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.