Document 496

The LaTeX harvard package

Version: 3.x, 4.x, 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

The harvard package is a family of seven BibTeX bibliography styles:

Bibliography Style Meets format requirements of
AGSM Australian Government Style Manual
APSR American Political Science Review
DCU Design Computing Unit, Department of Architectural
and Design Science, University of Sydney
JMR Journal of Management Research
J Physics B Journal of Physics B
Kluwer Kluwer Academic Publishers
Nederlands Dutch conventions<

Although the format differs with each style, all seven styles implement standard parenthetical citations:

The definitive work on the subject (Medd 2005)....

Citations can be complete or incomplete. Complete citations can be used as nouns:

Medd (2005) proves that....

or as possessives:

Medd's (2005) definitive work on the subject....

Incomplete citations can contain the author's name without the date:

The definitive work on the subject (Medd)....

or the date without the name:

The definitive work on the subject (2005)....

The options available through the Options and Packages command on the Typeset menu determine the type of citation (full, abbreviated, or full for the first citation and abbreviated thereafter), type of parentheses, and style of the citations and bibliography.

How to use a harvard bibliography style with a BibTeX bibliography

  1. Add the harvard package to your document and select any options you want.
  2. From the Typeset menu, choose Bibliography Choice.
  3. Check BibTeX and choose OK.
  4. Insert citations as needed in your document.
  5. Specify the harvard .bst file you want:
    1. Place the insertion point where you want the bibliography to appear.
    2. From the Insert menu, choose Typeset Object and then choose Bibliography.
    3. Select the BibTeX database file you want to use.
    4. Scroll down the Style list to select one of the harvard .bst files and choose OK .
  6. Save the document.
  7. On the Typeset toolbar, click the Typeset DVI Compile button Typeset DVI Compile button or, from the Typeset menu, choose Compile.
  8. Check Generate a Bibliography and choose OK.
  9. Typeset preview your document.

The harvard package is intended to be used with BibTeX bibliographies. You can also use it with manually created bibliographies by inserting \harvarditem commands in TeX fields to create the bibliography list. The PackageSample-harvard-manual.tex file in the SWSamples directory of your program installation illustrates the use of the package with a manual bibliography. The Standard LaTeX Article (Harvard) shell contains more information.

How to use a harvard bibliography style with a manual bibliography

  1. Add the harvard package to your document and select any options you want.
  2. From the Typeset menu, choose Bibliography Choice.
  3. Check Manual and choose OK.
  4. Create citations as needed in your document.
  5. Begin the bibliography list:
    1. Place the insertion point where you want the bibliography to appear in your document.
    2. Enter an encapsulated TeX field.
    3. In the entry area, type \begin{thebibliography}{x} where x is the longest label in the bibliography list and determines the indention of the list items.
    4. Choose OK.
  6. For each item in the list:
    1. Enter an encapsulated TeX field.
    2. Name the field with the key to provide a visual reminder of the key.
    3. In the entry area, type \harvarditem{citation}{year}{key} where citation is the information to be cited in the text except for the year, year is the year to be cited, and key is the key of the reference used in the citation.
    4. Choose OK.
    5. Type the reference in full as you want it to appear in the list of references.
  7. End the bibliography list:
    1. Place the insertion point after the last item.
    2. Enter an encapsulated TeX field.
    3. In the entry area, type \end{thebibliography} and choose OK.
  8. Save and typeset compile the document.

The package is in the TCITeX/TeX/LaTeX/contrib/harvard directory. You can find more information about the package in the file harvard.tex in the TCITeX/doc/latex/contrib/supported/harvard directory.

Last revised 02/08/06

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.