Document 181

How to solve front matter problems with the NMSU Dissertation style

Version: 2.5 - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

Several problems exist with the NMSU Dissertation Style. Specifically, the style doesn't correctly generate a List of Figures or a List of Tables and the bibliography doesn't appear in the Table of Contents. To work around the problem, create the Table of Contents, List of Figures and a List of Tables and manually insert the bibliography reference in the Table of Contents, according to the instructions below.

Create the table of contents

  1. In your document, scroll to the place where you want the table of contents inserted.

  2. From the Insert menu, choose Field, then choose TeX.

  3. Type this command in the Edit field: \tableofcontents.

  4. Choose OK.

Create the list of figures

  1. In your document, scroll to the place where you want the list of figures inserted.

  2. From the Insert menu, choose Field, then choose TeX.

  3. Type this command in the Edit field: \listoffigures.

  4. Choose OK.

Create the list of tables

  1. In your document, scroll to the place where you want the list of tables inserted.

  2. From the Insert menu, choose Field, then choose TeX.

  3. Type this command in the Edit field: \listoftables.

  4. Choose OK.

Place the bibliography in the table of contents

  1. Determine the number of the page on which the bibliography will begin.

  2. Double-click the TeX field containing the \tableofcontents entry.

  3. In the edit field of the dialog box, place the insertion point on the line following the \tableofcontents entry.

  4. Type this command: \contentsline {chapter}{Bibliography}{#} where # is the page number on which the bibliography begins.

Added 06/19/96

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.