Document 313

New Typesetting Specification: Harvard Thesis modified by Philippe Laval

Version: 3.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

Philippe Laval created an update to the Harvard Thesis typesetting specification that was included with SWP/SW 3.0. This is a Style Editor style.

Download and install the new document shell file.

  1. From our ftp site, download the file Thesis-HarvardThesismodifiedbyPhilippeLaval.shl.

  2. Save the file as Thesis - Harvard Thesis modified by Philippe Laval.shl. in the Shells\Books subdirectory of your program directory (usually c:\swp30 or c:\sw30).

    Note Because the ftp site doesn't allow the same flexibility in naming files as does Windows95/NT, we removed spaces from the file names on the site.

  3. From our ftp site, download the file laval.cst and save it in the Styles\sebase subdirectory of your program directory.

  4. From our ftp site, download the file laval.sty and save it in the TCITeX\TeX\LaTeX\styledit subdirectory of your program directory.

  5. In SWP or SW, choose File and then choose New and select the Style Editor directory. You will see that the shell document Thesis - Harvard Thesis modified by Philippe Laval is now available.

Revised 06/17/02

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.