Document 393

How to list the bibliography and index in a typeset table of contents

Version: 3.x, 4.x, 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

The headings for two divisions—the bibliography and the index—are both unnumbered and automatically generated. They typically appear in the body of the document but not in the table of contents. You can create a contents entry for both divisions:

  1. Create the bibliography list or index entries.
  2. Typeset compile the document to generate the index and, if you're using BibTeX, the bibliography.
  3. Create the table of contents entry:
    • If you have Version 4.0, add the tocbibind package to your document.

      The tocbibind package automatically includes the bibliography and the index in the table of contents.


    • If you have an earlier version,
      1. Place the insertion point just before the index or the gray box for the BibTeX bibliography.
      2. Enter an encapsulated TeX field.
      3. In the entry area, type \clearpage if you're working in an article or report shell or type \cleardoublepage if you're working in a book shell.
      4. Press Enter.
      5. Type \addcontentsline{toc}{sectionlevel}{Name} where sectionlevel is the level of the heading you want to include, such as chapter or section, and Name is the text you want to appear in the table of contents.
      6. Choose OK.

Last revised 03/03/06

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.