Document 461

The LaTeX apalike and apalike-plus packages

Version: 3.x, 4.x, 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

The apalike package formats text according to specifications in the American Psychological Association Publication Manual (4th edition), to produce typesetting suitable for APA journals. In particular, the package works in conjunction with apalike.bst to produce BibTeX bibliography entries that are formatted alphabetically by author's last name. The package also produces single and multiple author-date citations in the text.

The apalike-plus package extends the features of apalike with TeX commands that provide optional titles for the list of references and include the selected title in headers and the table of contents. The commands are as follows:

  • \bibtitle—generates References as the default bibliography title.
  • \bibheadtitle—generates REFERENCES as the default text to be used in page headers.
  • \addcontentsline{toc}{...}{\bibtitle}—generates an appropriately titled entry for the bibliography in the table of contents.

These two packages have no effect on manual bibliographies. To use the packages successfully, you must specify that you want to create a BibTeX bibliography and choose the corresponding BibTeX style.

How to create a list of references with apalike or apalike-plus

  1. Add the apalike or apalike-plus package to your document.
  2. From the Typeset menu, choose Bibliography Choice.
  3. Check BibTeX and choose OK.
  4. Insert BibTeX citations as needed throughout your document.
  5. Insert the list of references:
    1. Place the insertion point where you want the bibliography to appear in your document.
    2. If you're using apalike-plus, enter package commands in an encapsulated TeX field to specify the bibliography title and page headers and to include the list in the table of contents.
    3. From the Insert menu, choose Typeset Object and then choose Bibliography.
    4. Select the BibTeX database file you want to use.
    5. Scroll down the Style list to select apalike.bst or apalike2.bst.
    6. Choose OK.
  6. Save and compile the document.

No options are available for either package. Both apalike and apalike-plus are installed in TCITeX/TeX/latex209/contrib/misc.

Last revised 01/20/06

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.