Document 528

The LaTeX theorem package

Version: 3.x, 4.x, 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

The theorem package customizes theorem environments to meet the layout requirements of different journals. Theorem styles determine the appearance of theorem environments. These styles have been defined:

Style Effect
plain Similar to the original LaTeX definition, with the addition of parameters that specify the amount of space to skip before and after the theorem.
break Place a line break after the theorem header.
marginbreak Set the theorem number in the margin and place a line break after the theorem header.
changebreak Interchange the header number and text and place a line break after the theorem header.
change Interchange the header number and text but don't place a line break after the theorem header.
margin Set the theorem number in the margin; don't insert a line break.

How to customize the appearance of theorem environments

  1. Add the theorem package to your document.

  2. From the Typeset menu, choose Preamble.

  3. Click the mouse in the entry area.

  4. Place the insertion point on a new line at the beginning of the preamble, before the \newtheorem statement for the theorem environment you want to customize.

  5. If you want the style to apply to all theorem-like environments, type \theoremstyle{style} where style is the style you want.


    If you want the style to apply to a group of theorem-like environments, type {\theoremstyle{style} where style is the style you want, and then place the insertion point at the end of the group and type } (closing curly brace).

  6. If you want to change the font that LaTeX uses for the header of the theorem environment, type \theoremheaderfont{font} where font is the font family you want LaTeX to use. Because \theoremheaderfont is a global setting, it changes the header font for all theorem-like environments in the document. The command should be used only once. Values for font can be combined. Possible values for font are:

    Family Effect Family Effect
    \mdseries Medium Series \upshape Upright Shape
    \bfseries Boldface Series \itshape Italic Shape
    \rmfamily Roman Family \slshape Slanted Shape
    \sffamily Sans Serif Family \scshape Small Caps Shape
    \ttfamily Typewriter Family \normalfont Normal (document main text font)

    Not all combinations make sense and LaTeX compensates by placing a warning in the .log file and substituting a similar font.

  7. If you want to change the font that LaTeX uses for the body of the theorem environment, type \theorembodyfont{font} where font is the font family you want LaTeX to use.

    For example, to use upright text in the body of a theorem, use the command \theorembodyfont{\upshape}. The font used for the body of a theorem-like environment can be restricted to a single environment or a group of environments by using curly braces to enclose the environment(s).

  8. Choose OK.

No options are available through the Options and Packages command on the Typeset menu. The theorem package is installed in the TCITeX/TeX/LaTeX/required/tools directory as part of the Standard LaTeX Tools Bundle.

See also

Last revised 12/22/09

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.