563: Removing indention from typeset paragraphs

Document 563

Removing indention from typeset paragraphs

Version: 3.x, 4.x, 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

In documents based on standard LaTeX typesetting specifications, the paragraphs that immediately follow section headings are not indented but subsequent paragraphs are indented, like this:

Section heading

First paragraph is not indented

Second paragraph is indented.

Subsequent paragraphs are also indented.

You can remove indention for all paragraphs in the document by modifying the document preamble. However, because the beginning of unindented paragraphs is somewhat harder to see, you may also want to increase the paragraph spacing.

The paragraph indention is determined by the length \parindent. You can set this length to zero in the document preamble.

Follow these instructions to make the modification:

  1. From the Typeset menu, choose Preamble.
  2. Click the mouse in the entry area and place the insertion point on a new line at the end of the entries.
  3. Type \setlength{\parindent}{0in}.
  4. Choose OK.
  5. Typeset preview the document to make sure the indention is correct.

See also

Last revised 01/20/06

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.