Document 596

Changing paragraph justification for typesetting

Version: 3.x, 4.x, 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

Most typesetting specifications default to full justification for text in paragraphs. However, you can change the justification for all or part of the body of your document.

Changing the justification of the entire document

With Version 5.5

Use the ragged2e package to typeset an entire document as ragged right.

  1. Add the ragged2e package to your document.

  2. From the Typeset menu, choose Options and Packages and then choose the Package Options tab.

  3. From the Packages in Use list, select the ragged2e package and choose Modify.

  4. In the Category box, select Commands in effect and in the Options box select New ragged2e.

  5. In the.Category box, select Complete document ragged right and in the Options box select Yes.

  6. Choose OK twice to close the dialog.

The ragged2e package turns off normal paragraph indention. You can restore it by adding a command to the document preamble:

  1. From the Typeset menu, choose Preamble.

  2. Start a new line and insert

  3. Choose OK twice to close the dialog.

With any version

Modify the document preamble to achieve the justification you want. This method is useful if you want a justification other than ragged right.

  1. From the Typeset menu, choose Preamble.

  2. Add a new line.

  3. Type the justification declaration you need: \centering, \raggedright, or \raggedleft.

  4. Choose OK to return to your document.

If you use ragged right, the normal paragraph indention is turned off. Instead of using steps 1–4 above, follow these instructions to preserve paragraph indention with ragged right justification:

  1. From the Typeset menu, choose Preamble.

  2. Start a new line and insert

  3. Choose OK twice to close the dialog.

Changing the justification of a portion of the document

Use the Centered body tag with all versions to center selected paragraphs of text.

With Version 5.0 or later

Versions 5.0 and later also include the tags Flush Left and Flush Right, but by default the tags are not visible. You can display the tags in the Section/Body Tag list:

  1. From the Tag menu, choose Appearance.

  2. In the Tags box, select Flush Left.

  3. In the Tag Properties box, select Behavior and choose Modify.

  4. Turn on the check box Show in Tag Bar List and choose OK.

  5. In the Tags box, select Flush Right and repeat steps 3 and 4.

  6. If you want to retain these settings, chose Save.

  7. Choose OK to close the Tag Appearance dialog.

To use the tags, enter text and then select Centered, Flush Left, or Flush Right from the Section/Body Tag pop up. The text will be formatted on the screen appropriately.

With any version

Change the justification of a portion of the document with LaTeX environments in TeX fields in the body of your document. If you're using Version 5.x, do not encapsulate the TeX fields.

  1. Place the insertion point at the beginning of the text for which you want to change the justification.

  2. Enter a TeX field. (Encapsulate the field if you're using Version 3.x or 4.x.)

  3. In the entry area, enter \begin{flushleft}, \begin{center}, or \begin{flushright}.

  4. Choose OK.

  5. Place the insertion point at the end of the text for which you want to change the justification.

  6. Enter a TeX field. (Encapsulate the field if you're using Version 3.x or 4.x.)

  7. In the entry area, enter \end{flushleft}, \end{center}, or \end{flushright}.

  8. Choose OK.

Last revised 06/29/06

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.