Document 117

How to define an automatic substitution sequence

Version: 2.5 - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

In version 2.5 of SW, you can establish a sequence of characters for which SW automatically substitutes a function you define. When you are entering mathematics and type the sequence of characters, SW automatically substitutes the function and displays it on your screen in gray. You can use this feature to have any sequence of characters, not just mathematics, appear in gray on your screen. Follow these steps:

  1. From the SW Insert menu, choose Math Name.

  2. In the Math Name dialog box, type the name of your new function.

  3. Click the Function button.

  4. Choose Add.

  5. Choose OK.

  6. From the Tools menu, choose Automatic Substitution.

  7. Place the insertion point in the Keystrokes input area of the Automatic Substitution dialog box.

  8. Start mathematics.

  9. Type the name of your new function.

  10. Move the insertion point to the Substitution input area.

  11. Open the Math Name dialog box again.

  12. Select the name of your function.

  13. Choose OK to close the Math Name dialog box.

    Now the gray version of your function name should appear in the Substitution input area of the Automatic Substitution dialog box.

  14. Choose Save.

  15. Choose OK.

Now your new math function should be displayed automatically in gray each time you type it.

Added 06/19/96

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.