Document 133

How to replace the commdlg.dll file

Version: 2.5 - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

In Windows 3.1 and 3.11 installations, the SW dialog boxes for many common functions such as Save As won't work properly if the Windows system directory contains an old commdlg.dll file. In short, this means you won't be able to save your work or perform other common operations. The remedy for this frustrating problem is simple: use one of the methods outlined below to replace the commdlg.dll file.

Replacement files are available for these versions of Windows 3.x on our ftp site or on the version 2.5 CD:

Please be aware that many software applications include a local version of commdlg.dll that is loaded into Windows when you run the application and this version is used by Windows for all applications that need any version of commdlg.dll. So, even if you have replaced the commdlg.dll file following these instructions, you may continue to experience problems. We suggest that you search all directories on your hard drives for commdlg.dll files and rename any that you find, with the exception of the one in the Windows system directory, of course. We also suggest that you structure the path statement in your autoexec.bat file so that the Windows directory is listed first, before any application directories.

Note Because Windows constantly uses the commdlg.dll file, you can't replace the file while Windows is running. To replace the .dll file, you must close Windows completely and work from a DOS prompt.

Copy the replacement file from your version 2.5 CD:

The replacement files are located in the swp25\netmisc\commdlg directory on your SW version 2.5 CD.

  1. Close Windows.

  2. From a DOS prompt, copy the commdlg file you need from the CD to your hard drive.

  3. Rename the file commdlg.dll.

  4. Replace the commdlg.dll file currently in the c:\windows\system directory with the renamed file.


Download and install a replacement file from our ftp site:

  1. Click the file you need from the list above.

  2. Install the new file:

    1. Close Windows

    2. From a DOS prompt, rename the downloaded file commdlg.dll.

    3. Replace the commdlg.dll file that is currently in the c:\windows\system directory with the renamed file.

Added 03/13/96

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.