Document 157

How to remove share.exe from the autoexec.bat and config.sys files

Version: 2.5 - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

The program installs vshare.386 in the system.ini file, but sometimes fails to determine whether share.exe is already in the autoexec.bat or the config.sys file. If the file is already there, the program installation program doesn't remove it, so you might have two share programs trying to run at the same time. Follow these steps to remove share.exe:

  1. Edit the autoexec.bat file.

    1. Use an ASCII editor to open the autoexec.bat file.

    2. Type rem at the start of the line that reads share.

    3. Save the file.

  2. Edit the config.sys file.

    1. Use an ASCII editor to open the config.sys file.

    2. Type rem at the start of the line that reads install=c:\dos\share.exe.

    3. Save the file.

  3. Reboot your computer.

Revised 04/17/96, 06/22/04

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.