Document 172

How to obtain and install Version 1.3c of Win 32s

Version: 2.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

Version 1.3b of Win32s, which is required to run SW on Windows 3.11 and 3.1 systems, contains an error that causes SW not to install completely or, if it does install, not to start. The system usually displays an error message that includes the words


We're happy to announce that the problem has been solved in the new version of Win32s, version 1.3c. The new version is available in a self-extracting file from Microsoft's ftp site. Microsoft's web site has more information about Win32s.

The new version of Win32s is called PW1118.EXE. It is located in the \SOFTLIB\MSLFILES directory at Follow these steps to obtain and install the new version. Then, SW should work properly on your Windows 3.x system.

  1. Uninstall Win32s v1.3b.

  2. Use your favorite ftp client to get PW1118.EXE, the new version of Win32s, from

  3. Install Win32s according to these instructions from Microsoft.

Revised 07/24/96, 10/29/02, 07/23/04

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.