Document 79

Renumbering theorem items

Version: 2.5 - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

Q. I'm using SW version 2.5 to write an article using the Jeep style. How can I restart the example numbers each time I start a new section?

A. SW version 2.5 is provided with four files that control the way items such as theorems, lemmas, and axioms are numbered in documents created with non-Style Editor styles:

This style file: Renumbers this item: At the beginning of a new:
thmsa.sty theorem section
corollary theorem
conjecture theorem
lemma theorem
proposition theorem
definition theorem
example theorem
axiom document
remark document
exercise section

This style file: Renumbers this item: At the beginning of a new:
thmsb.sty theorem section
corollary document
conjecture document
lemma document
proposition document
definition document
example document
axiom document
remark document
exercise document

This style file: Renumbers this item: At the beginning of a new:
thmsc.sty theorem section
corollary theorem
conjecture theorem
lemma theorem
proposition theorem
definition section
example section
axiom section
remark section
exercise section

This style file: Renumbers this item: At the beginning of a new:
thmsd.sty theorem section
corollary theorem
conjecture theorem
lemma theorem
proposition theorem
definition section
example section
axiom section
remark section
exercise section

The file thmsd.sty, which is identical to thmsc.sty, is provided for modification purposes. If you want to change the way theorem items are numbered, modify thmsd.sty.

To get the numbering you want, change the theorem file used with the style:

  1. Open your SW document.

  2. From the File menu, choose Style and then choose Go Native.

  3. In the Options area, change the name of the theorem file to the one you want.

  4. Choose OK twice.

    If SW displays a message about reloading your document, choose OK.

Added 08/14/96

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.