Document 627

The LaTeX natbib package

Version: 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

The natbib package is used in combination with three bibliography styles (abbrvnat.bst, plainnat.bst, and unsrtnat.bst) to produce both author-date and standard numerical citations for BibTeX bibliographies. The package is compatible with standard BibTeX style files, such as plain.bst, and with those for the harvard, apalike, chicago, astron, and authordate packages. It serves as a single interface for most available bibliographic styles.

The package also supports a variety of author-date and numerical citation formats, including multiple citations, as shown in the examples in the following table. Most are based on two basic citation commands: \citet for text citations and \citep for parenthetical citations. The commands may take optional arguments to add text before and after the citation. See the package documentation for more extensive information about available commands.

Command Citation Format
\citet{key} Abbreviated author list in text, year in parentheses:
Author-year: Swanson et al. (2004)
Numerical: Swanson et al. [21]
\citet*{key} Full author list in text, year in parentheses:
Author-year: Swanson, Hughes, and Medd (2004)
\citep{key} Abbreviated author list and year, in parentheses:
Author-year: (Swanson et al., 2004)
Numerical: [21]
\citep*{key} Full author list and year, in parentheses:
Author-year: (Swanson, Hughes, and Medd, 2004)
\citet[chap~2]{key} Abbreviated author list in text, year and chapter in parentheses:
Author-year: Swanson et al. (2004, chap. 2)
Numerical: Swanson et al. [21, chap. 2]
\citep[chap~2]{key} Abbreviated author list, year, and chapter, in parentheses:
Author-year: (Swanson et al., 2004, chap. 2)
Numerical: [21, chap. 2]
\citep[see][]{key} Reference to abbreviated author list and year, in parentheses:
Author-year: (see Swanson et al., 2004)
Numerical: [see 21]
\citep[see][chap~2]{key} Reference to abbreviated author list, year, and chapter, in parentheses:
Author-year: (see Swanson et al., 2004, chap. 2)
Numerical: [see 21, chap. 2]
\citep{key, key} Abbreviated author lists and years, in parentheses:
Author-year: (Medd et al, 2003; Swanson et al., 2004)
Numerical: [19; 21]

The program interface doesn't directly support these commands, but you can achieve the citation format you want by inserting the commands in TeX fields.

How to create a bibliography for natbib citations

  1. Add the natbib package to your document.

  2. From the Typeset menu, choose Bibliography Choice.

  3. Check BibTeX and choose OK.

  4. Specify one of the natbib bibliography style files:

    1. Place the insertion point where you want the bibliography to appear.

    2. From the Insert menu, choose Typeset Object and then choose Bibliography.

    3. Select the BibTeX database files you want to use.

    4. Scroll down the Style list to select abbrvnat.bst, plainnat.bst, or unsrtnat.bst, and choose OK.

  5. Save and compile the document.

How to create a natbib citation

  1. Add the natbib package to your document.

  2. Place the insertion point where you want the citation.

  3. Enter an encapsulated TeX field.

  4. Type the command for the citation format you want, substituting the key for the BibTeX reference.

  5. Choose OK.

The natbib package is compatible with the babel, chapterbib, hyperref, and showkeys packages, and can emulate the sorting and compressing functions of the cite package. The package is installed in the TCITeX/TeX/LaTeX/contrib/natbib directory.

Last revised 01/23/06