Document 467

The LaTeX blkarray package

Version: 3.x, 4.x, 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

The blkarray package defines array and tabular environments not unlike those defined by the array package. When the insertion point is in math, the blkarray package implements a blockarray environment that functions similarly to the array environment in standard LaTeX. When the insertion point is in text, the package implements an environment that functions similarly to the tabular environment.

However, the blkarray package differs in that it defines column types differently, making all column specifiers equal. The package lends itself to detailed formatting of blockarray environments. The package implements different formatting for blocks of cells within a table, such as a header row. Information can span several columns and doesn't have to be aligned with information in other cells. You can add rules to separate rows.

Additionally, the package implements the use of delimiters as column specifiers. That is, you can use a delimiter around blocks of cells within an array, like this:

Example of delimiters around cells

Blkarray environments can accept footnote commands. Depending on options selected, resulting footnotes may appear at the end of the table or the foot of the page.

Package options aren't available. After you add the package, you must specify the options in encapsulated TeX fields, just as you do for the array package. The content of the encapsulated field includes and defines the entire tabular environment. See the package documentation for complete instructions and for additional examples of blkarray effects. The standard LaTeX command \hline doesn't work with blkarray. While the package produces various kinds of tables, it may not be an appropriate substitution for array and tabular environments.

The amsmath package, which is added automatically to documents that you save as SW/SWP/SN (*.tex) or Portable LaTeX (*.tex) documents, has been updated since the blkarray package was released and now conflicts with the blkarray package. To avoid the conflict, modify the preamble of documents that use the blkarray package:

  1. Save and close the file.

  2. Reopen the file.

  3. From the Typeset menu, choose Preamble.

  4. Create a new line at the end of the preamble.

  5. On the new line, type

    \makeatletter \newbox\BA@first@box \makeatother

  6. Choose OK.

The package is installed in TCITeX/TeX/LaTeX/contrib/carlisle.

Last revised 02/07/06

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.