Document 653

The LaTeX subfloat package

Version: 5.5 - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

The package enables subnumbering of separate floating graphics and tables so that the relationships between them might more easily be emphasized. When you typeset, the objects, which can be separated by text, have numbers such as Table 1a, Table 1b, Table 1c, .... The function of the package is similar to that of the subequations environment of the amsmath package. It differs from the function of the subfig package, which generates numbered subfigures and subtables within a single floating object.

No action is needed other than adding the package to your document and enclosing the floating objects within a subfigures or subtables environment. The two environments can be intermixed. Four macros for customized numbering are available; see the package documentation for details.

  1. Add the subfloat package to your document.

  2. Place the insertion point where you want subnumbering to begin.

  3. Enter a TeX field.

  4. In the entry area, type \begin{subfigures} or \begin{subtables}.

  5. Choose OK.

  6. Enter the floating objects for which you want subnumbering.

    The objects can be separated by text.

  7. After the final object, enter a TeX field.

  8. In the entry area, type \end{subfigures} or \end{subtables}.

  9. Choose OK.

    All floating objects of the same kind between the \begin and \end statements will share a main figure or table number.

The package is installed in the TCITeX/TeX/LaTeX/contrib/subfloat directory.

Added 07/27/05