Document 122

How to download and install a new or updated style from the ftp site

Version: 2.5 - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word

NoteFor more recent information:

In addition to the large selection of document styles distributed with Version 2.5, we regularly develop new styles for creating SWP and SW documents. We also update and correct existing styles. We place new and updated styles on our ftp site so you can download them, install them in program directory, and then use them to create your documents.

NoteEach style consists of as many as six different files, which have the file extensions .cst, .shl, .sty, .dvi, .tex, and .txt. These files must be downloaded separately and placed into specific subdirectories in your main program directory. The subdirectories differ depending upon whether the style is a Style Editor style or a non-Style Editor style. You must download all the files for the style; otherwise, the style may not operate properly.

Here's how to

Download new styles from our ftp site to your program directory

  1. Identify the files you need to download. The specific files associated with each new style are listed here.

  2. Download the files.

  3. Using the Windows File Manager, move the style files to the correct program subdirectory:

    • Style Editor files

      • cstfiles - move to the \stylessubdirectory

      • shlfiles - move to the \stylessubdirectory

      • styfiles - move to the \tex\macros\styleditsubdirectory

      • texfiles - move to the \styles\samplessubdirectory

      • dvifiles - move to the \styles\samplessubdirectory

      • txtfiles - move to the \stylessubdirectory

    • Non-Style Editor files

      • cstfiles - move to the \stylessubdirectory

      • shlfiles - move to the \stylessubdirectory

      • styfiles - move to the \tex\macros\tcisubdirectory

      • texfiles - move to the \styles\samplessubdirectory

      • dvifiles - move to the \styles\samplessubdirectory

      • txtfiles - move to the \stylessubdirectory

Install a new Style Editor style

  1. In the Windows File Manager, make sure the downloaded style files reside in the correct subdirectories.

  2. Start the Style Editor.

  3. From the Open dialog box, choose Install.

  4. In the File section of the Install dialog box, select the .sty file for the style you want to install.

  5. Choose OK.

    The Style Editor installs and opens the style file.

  6. Save the style file and exit the Style Editor.

The style is now available for you to edit with the Style Editor or to use for creating a document.

Install a new non-Style Editor style

  1. In the Windows File Manager, make sure the downloaded style files reside in the correct subdirectories.

  2. Using an ASCII editor, open the .txt file associated with the new style.

  3. In the commented line at the top of the file, find and note the name of the .lat file for the style. (Commented lines are preceded by a percent mark (%); most files have only one commented line.)

  4. Select and copy to the clipboard all non-commented lines in the file.

  5. Close the file.

  6. Using and ASCII editor, open the .lat file for the style.

  7. Scroll to the bottom of the file.

  8. Paste the information on the clipboard into the .lat file.

  9. Save and close the file.

  10. If SWP or SW is running, close it and reopen it.

The style is now available for you to use for creating a document.

Download and install an updated style

NoteWhen a style is updated, changes are not necessarily made to all the files associated with the style. However, before you install the new version of the style, you must first remove from your system the earlier versions of any files that have been updated.

  1. Identify the new files for the updated style. The updated files are listed here.

  2. In the Windows File Manager, locate the files of the same name and delete them from the program subdirectories:

    • Style Editor files

      • cstfiles - reside in the \stylessubdirectory

      • shlfiles - reside in the \stylessubdirectory

      • styfiles - reside in the \tex\macros\styleditsubdirectory

      • texfiles - reside in the \styles\samplessubdirectory

      • dvifiles - reside in the \styles\samplessubdirectory

      • txtfiles - reside in the \stylessubdirectory

    • Non-Style Editor files

      • cstfiles - reside in the \stylessubdirectory

      • shlfiles - reside in the \stylessubdirectory

      • styfiles - usually reside in the \tex\macrossubdirectory or one of its

      • subdirectories

      • texfiles - reside in the \styles\samplessubdirectory

      • dvifiles - reside in the \styles\samplessubdirectory

      • txtfiles - reside in the \stylessubdirectory

  3. Download the updated files from our ftp site.

  4. Move them to the correct program subdirectory.

The style is now available for you to use for creating a document.

See also

Last revised 06/12/06

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.