Document 282

Printing problem with subdocuments saved as Portable Latex files

Version: 2.x & 3.x - Scientific WorkPlace, Scientific Word, & Scientific Notebook


A printing problem can arise when subdocuments saved as Portable LaTeX files are previewed independently of the master document. This is how it happens: Suppose you have a master document with several subdocuments, all saved as Portable LaTeX files. You open one of the subdocuments; alter, save and close it; reopen and save it again. If you then look at the subdocument file with an ASCII editor, you'll see the following lines near the top of the file:




(where Master.tex in the first line above is replaced with the name of your master document).

When you compile and print the subdocument independently of the master document, the words "chapter:1,page:1" are printed at the end of the subdocument.


The first time the file is saved and loaded, the software adds these lines:



%chapter:1,page:1} </pre>

For some reason, the second TCIDATA line is being corrupted to:



Notice the missing % at the beginning of the second line. This is a bug.


The update to Build 1079 solves this problem. Download the SWP or SW patch update file and install it.

Revised 06/12/02, 08/15/02

This document was created with Scientific WorkPlace.